Located @ SSS118, Social Sciences South Building
Established in 2018, FUSWA is different to University Clubs because we are a ‘College based’, Academic Student Association, formally endorsed by the Dean, and affiliated with FUSA. We operate for the representation, support, and engagement of Flinders University Social Work students, as part of the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work (CEPSW).
FUSWA receives all the benefits of affiliation with FUSA; however, we receive a higher level of General Funding than other University Clubs due to our additional responsibilities as the representative body associated with academic programs.
FUSWA operates to support Social Work students through a variety of ways to assistance with student needs and connectivity, and as a Committee Member, you are an ex officio member of FUSWA Committee for student appeals. We operate to represent Social Work students in a variety of ways that include some Members sitting on Academic Consultative Committees (i.e., CEPSA and FUSA), while some provide casual feedback through liaison with Academic Staff and Students.
Some examples of Academic Association activities and events include:
Organising movie nights, competitions and other social events aimed at improving the university experience for Social Work students.
Learning and teaching activities that provide academic support by way of tutorials or help sessions, careers nights or expos, or sharing professional development opportunities.
Helping Social Work students feel connected to FUSWA by having merchandise such as jumpers and shirts available.
Being a representative within FUSWA can also help to develop personal and professional skills and it looks great on LinkedIn and your resume!
And it goes towards your Horizon Points as well.
FUSWA, a student-run, and student-let, Flinders University Academic Association.

Each calendar year, FUSWA run an Annual General Meeting (AGM), with the purpose of re-affiliating with FUSA, whilst democratically electing the Student Council who will represent all Social Work Students attending Flinders University, be it on campus or external.
Nominations for Council Roles can be accepted either in person or in writing to the President, with voting of Student Council roles conducted at the AGM. Students wishing to nominate, must have a FUSWA Student Membership.