31 Jan 2023
This is a great opportunity to discover everything Flinders has to offer.
O’Week takes place the week before Semester begins.
The Flinders Orientation Week enables you to attend events and activities that will help you meet new people, learn about Flinders, the Social Work pathways, and get ready to study.
Visit club stalls & meet new people with events held on campus & online. You can design your own individualised calendar for all events and activities using the Flinders Orientation Planner - https://orientation.flinders.edu.au/planner.
This year, FUSWA have gift vouchers to give away each day. Visit our stall, become a FUSWA Student Member and spin the wheel to win a chance for a $10 and $25 Coles Myer Vouchers (or equivelant).
We also have Pens and Stickers to giveaway, along with a chance to spin for a FUSWA Hoodie. FUSWA will also give students who become FUSWA Student Members, a chance to win tickets to the Frindge show! Visit the FUSWA Stall to find out more!