Congratulations on becoming a Social Work Student at Flinders University!
The first year at Flinders can bring with it a mix of emotions. The excitement and jubilation of receiving your confirmation, knowing that you have been accepted as a university student, is often followed by the daunting reality that there is so much to do, before you even start your first lecture.
It's usually at this point, many new students at the beginning of their academic journey can become overwhelmed. First year students may even start freaking out with the feeling that they have so much to do, have absolutely no idea what needs to be done, or even where to start.
Whilst others may believe they are across everything, only to find a few weeks into the semester that they've missed something, only to find themselves in catch-up mode.
Either way, as a student of Flinders University, you are not alone and you'll soon discover that 2nd, 3rd and even 4th year students can sometimes feel the same way at the beginning of a new year, as you do right now.
But.....it's not all that scary!
You will soon discover that university brings with it a whole world of support, be it from the College (including staff), your FUSWA Team, FUSA, or the student community (your peers).
As a new student (or even if you are a returning student who just needs some guidance), we have put together a few things below to aid you in your academic journey.
CEPSW Firstly, the best place to start is to reach out to the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work (CEPSW) and chat with the enrollments team about Study Plans. Study Plans are the road map to topics and what direction to take should you need to change you course structure, or just know what you need to do each semester. We highly recommend students send through an email at the end of each semester to get their Study Plan updated. Reach out to CEPSW and organise a meeting in person, or over the phone. They will be able to answer the majority of your questions and provide amazing support throughout your academic journey.
CEPSW contact information -
Telephone: (08) 8201 7800
FUSWA Reach out to the Flinders University Social Work Association (FUSWA) and ask for help. The FUSWA Team are made up of students at different stages of their degree, and pathways (BSW & MSW), and have been exactly where you are right now.
Connect with FUSWA - fuswa.team@gmail.com
O'WEEK Come along to O'Week and make sure you visit the various stalls, and events. This fun week, starting at the beginning of every semester, provides you an opportunity to meet other students, the FUSWA Team, and attend events that give you a great kick start to your year.
FUSA The Flinders University Student Association (FUSA) provides a range of support to all students. The Committee, made up of students from different disciplines, are always on hand to help.
STUDENT SOCIAL MEDIA You have a range of Facebook Pages, Messenger and Chats to join that can help you connect with other Social Work Students.
Flinders University Social Work Students
Join the Social Work Students Messenger Community Chat
If you discover other things that help you, let the FUSWA Team know and we can include them on this Blog.
But for now, we hope this helps, and you have an awesome experience at Flinders!

The FUSWA Team