Welcome to the Flinders University Social Work Association (FUSWA) Student Study Blogs and Student Forums.
(Rules & Warnings - Read and Adhere to)
We are just beginning our journey in providing students what we feel is high quality, valuable information to assist them towards academic improvement, and hopefully help all BSW & MSW students discover some great skills along the way.

To leave a comment on any post, you MUST signup using your FAN (student email).
Any Member found using an email that does not contain @flinders.edu.au will be removed.
Be Respectful when Commenting.
No Inappropriate Language.
No Spamming.
No Pornographic/Adult/other NSFW Material.
No Advertisements.
No Offensive Content.
No Direct & Indirect Threats.
Any 'comment' not adhering to the Flinders Academic Integrity Policy, or goes against the above set of Rules, will be removed, and members may find themselves banned indefinitely.
By commenting on the FUSWA Student Study Blog (including all future posts), and posting on the Student Forum, you automatically accept and adhere to the Rules above, and will be responsible for your own actions, including any consequences that come from those actions.
Let's keep this fair, respectful and on point to the purpose of these tools.
Thank you.
The FUSWA Team

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